Get Involved

We couldn’t run without the support of our UGA student volunteers. Become a Designated Dawg!

Why Volunteer?

Volunteers help keep UGA students and campus safer by providing a rideshare

You do not need to provide your own car, Designated Dawgs provides a vehicle

There are 3 different options for volunteer positions: driver, navigator, and dispatcher

Designated Dawgs provides dinner to all volunteers, each time they volunteer

Types of Volunteers

We have 2 types of volunteer options:
Individual and Group

Individual volunteers: Individuals interested in volunteering for one or multiple evenings

Group Volunteers: Student organizations interested in sponsoring a night to provide volunteers for Designated Dawgs

Sign up to Volunteer!

Check out our Volunteer Handbook

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up to volunteer?

Use this link to sign-up and try a night out!

When would I have to be available to volunteer?

You will be expected to volunteer from approximately 9:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. on Thursdays and Fridays.

Can anyone volunteer to drive?

To be a driver, you must be 21 or older and have a valid Driver’s License. Any age can volunteer in the other positions.

How will I know whether I’m volunteering or not?

An email or text will be sent to you the day you are volunteering giving you instructions on where to go, when to arrive, and other details.

Will I have to drive my own car?

No! We use rental cars.

What volunteer positions are available?

Our three volunteer positions are: driver, navigator, and dispatcher. You will be trained on how to do these positions when you come to volunteer.

Is dinner provided?

Yes! We will have pizza for all volunteers.

Can other student organizations or committees volunteer?

Yes! Your organization can sponsor one or two nights of operations. If your group is interested in sponsoring a night or two of operations, please email